Enjoying a Laughter Carpet
We run a selection of laughter workshops, sometimes pure laughter, sometimes integrating laughter with other disciplines, like emotional intelligence, EFT and Transformational Breathing techniques.
Our forthcoming workshops on Laughter and Breathing, bring together experienced facilitators to dedicate a whole day to discovering, managing and experiencing the benefits of your laughter and breath

Enjoy this unique and empowering one day workshop. Capture the power of Transformational Breathing and Laughter Yoga, to help release stress and reconnect.
Experience: Stress release with laughter and breathing
Release: Breathing and laughing to release the stressors of the past – no words are necessary, this is a word-free, disclosure-free environment. We are not going back into the past, we are releasing stress that is still there, so you can move onwards in your life freely.
Enjoy: re-connecting with yourself, letting go, being kind to yourself
Learn: The techniques of Transformational Breathing and Laughter Yoga, to use daily to release stress or just feel GREAT!
Would you like more energy? Would you like to feel more relaxed, more present, focused and connected?
…then improving the way you breathe can help you feel more calm and peaceful more of the time, it can also help energise you and it’s a great way to optimise your health.Transformational Breathing is a gentle, simple technique that helps people to open up the full potential of their breathing system for better physical and emotional well being. It teaches a pattern of conscious breathing that is natural, safe and healthy which has been demonstrated to have many benefits almost universally, including increased energy, better immune response and increased ability to deal with stress in a healthy way. It can also help clear blocked emotional energy from the body.Laughter the natural partner for Transformational Breathing, reinforces positive breathing techniques with a fun, energetic release. World-famous Laughter Yoga is the combination of Laughter with deep yogic breathing. Through Laughter and Smiling sessions we will get back in touch with our inner child, experience the joy of laughter, and understand how laughter can help us release stress and maintain positive energy.Together: Expect a powerful and releasing day, where old traumas and stress triggers can be released without words, and a greater vibrancy and sense of connectedness and peace can be achieved.Wear loose comfortable clothing. This is a relaxing, energising, de-stressing day. You are likely to get warm, so layers are good as you can adjust your temperature accordingly.
Sue Haswell: AMAC Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Laughter Yoga Trainer
Les Elms: Certified T-Breath Facilitator and Workshop Leader